
About 2,000 children are annually admitted to hospital with kidney diseases, doctor


About 2,000 children in Moldova are annually hospitalized with kidney diseases, with about 40 of these undergoing surgery to have a kidney removed. Head of the Pediatric Surgery Section of the Chisinau-based Mother and Child Institute Eva Gudumac said the number of children with kidney diseases increases and in most of the times these do not have specific symptoms, IPN reports.

Eva Gudumac stated that the parents often mix up the symptoms of kidney diseases with fever or ordinary stomachache. Therefore, the kidney diseases are detected late. In such situations, the treatment with drugs can be insufficient and surgery is needed to save the patient’s life.

According to the doctor, renal malformations can appear for different reasons, including because the mothers give birth to children after the age of 35 and have fever during pregnancy or take particular drugs to cure themselves, or when members of the family have such malformations.  The vegetarian diets during pregnancy and exposure to toxic factors also determine the appearance of malformations in children.

To prevent kidney diseases in children, Eva Gudumac recommends the parents to consult a doctor more often and to have ordinary medical examinations regularly. The kidney diseases are discovered primarily by echography. The pregnant women should be very attentive to what they eat. Also, the malformations discovered in fetus should be minutely monitored.