
Abandoned graves will be redistributed to applicants


If there are no available places in cemeteries, the cemetery administration, together with the local public authorities, will be able to choose abandoned or unlooked after graves older than 30 years and to redistribute these to other applicants. The reuse of the same burial place will not be allowed in the case of vaults and graves that have an important cultural and historical value. This is provided in a bill on cemeteries and funeral services that was registered in Parliament, IPN reports.

The bill authors, a group of MPs, said there is no law that would regulate the activity of cemeteries and the funeral sector in Moldova. The legislative proposal is designed to supplement the existing legislative vacuum.

The draft law provides that a plot that will be 3.8 square meters in area will be distributed for burying a person. The intervals between the long and short parts of the graves will be not less than 0.5 meters. The length of the grave will not be shorter than two meters, the width - one meter and the depth – 1.5 meters. For the burying of dead children, grave sizes can be diminished.

The bill also stipulates that the laying of dead bodies in chapels (churches) with the open coffin will be allowed within 72 hours of the death, while later only with the authorization of the competent sanitary body issued based on the embalmment certificate.

The burial places at cemeteries can be reserved for an indefinite period of time. The reservation tariffs and other services are approved by the local public administration. A family will be allowed to reserve not more than 3 burial places.

There are 11 cemeteries that are 137 hectares in area on the territory of Chisinau municipality. They occupy 2% of the green areas of the municipality. In Moldova, there are several hundred cemeteries, some of which are in a good state, while others are left to go to ruin.