A Transnistria resident is entitled to 6 grams of sausage and 8 grams of butter a day
The Transnistrian parliament is debating a bill on the minimum subsistence level and a bill on the minimum consumer basket, Info-Prim Neo’s correspondent in Transnistria reports.
The minimum subsistence level that includes a minimum sum of basic necessities is now 787 Transnistrian rubles (920 lei). The consumer budget that includes the food norm, clothes and payments for the public utilities as well as resources for treatment and rest is about twofold higher than the minimum consumer basket.
Under the draft law, the minimum consumer basket of a Transnistria resident, man able to work, will include: 383 grams of bread, 16 grams of rice, cereals and pasta, 246 grams of potatoes, 54 grams of fruit, 82 grams of cabbage, 11 grams of cucumbers, 22 grams of tomatoes, 96 grams of carrots and beet, 13 grams of other vegetables, 48 grams of sugar, 100 grams of meat products (including 6 grams of sausage), 46 grams of fish, 219 grams of milk, 8 grams of butter, 41 grams of oil and margarine, 10 grams of salt, 1 gram of tea and 2 grams of spices.
The Transnistrian legislators also planned a wear and tear degree for the clothes. For instance, a resident of the Transnistrian region must wear a winter coat for eight years, a hat for seven years, and a sweater for six years.
“You’d better rest at home, watch programs about trips, relax by self-training and eat with appetite the 100 grams of meat and a glass of milk which your are entitled to every day and think that somewhere on the planet there are people that eat less, in Africa for example,” the Tiraspol weekly “Prosoiuznyie Vesti” comments on the given law.