
A solution as regards supply of electricity to left bank of the Nistru can be identified in ten days, Serebrian


Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration Oleg Serebrian says that solutions will be identified to get the Transnistrian region out of the energy crisis. He noted that at least as regards the supply of electricity, a solution will be found during the next 10 days as the resources possessed by the left bank are being exhausted, IPN reports.

"Under the current conditions, one solution is to use coal offered by Ukraine for energy production, if possible. Do not misunderstand my statement because, in Tiraspol, the statements I make in programs in Chisinau are often taken out of context - this does not mean that we will create problems for the transit of gas to the Transnistrian region. Not at all," Oleg Serebrian said in an interview for TV8 channel.

The Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration believes that the enthusiasm of Tiraspol decreased and that there is still no certainty about the supply of gas swiftly, even in the second half of January, as Tiraspol hopes.

According to the official, "it remains to be seen whether Gazprom opens the tap and allows natural gas to go to the Transnistrian region and it remains to be seen what volumes will go to the region, what legal status this gas, called humanitarian, will have."

Asked if deliveries through the company Natural Gaz, with which Tiraspoltransgaz signed a contract, would be considered, Oleg Serebrian said that the answer has already been given by the competent institutions.