
A new candidate selected for the function of CCA member


The Parliamentary Committee for Culture, Science, Education, Youth, Sports and Media selected on Thursday, October 19 another candidate for the function of the Coordinating Council of Audiovisual member, after the Committee for Legal Issues had rejected a candidature selected previously, because the person didn’t fit all the necessary criteria for a CCA member. At the Thursday sitting, the Parliament was to confirm in function the CCA members, but the Committee for Legal Issues, Appointments and Immunities rejected the candidature of Valeriu Ciobanu, claiming that he doesn’t have those 5 years of experience in one of the provided domains. As part of the specialized committee session, organized afterwards, the candidature of Valeriu Ciobanu was replaced by that of the journalist Vlad Turcanu. His candidature as well as other 2 was proposed by the leader of the PPCD faction, Vlad Cubreacov. Another candidate was proposed by the Democrat MP, Dumitru Ivanov, member of the committee. The session of the Legal Committee is scheduled for Friday morning, October 20, in which the candidature of Turcanu will be examined. The candidatures as well as the procedure of their selection by the Mass-Media Committee were criticized by both the opposition MPs and representatives of civil society, who declared that the selection had an illegal and un-transparent character. Representatives of the specialized committee of the Parliament decline these accusations.