
81 years of first wave of deportations


The 81th anniversary the first wave of Stalinist deportations is celebrated today. On this occasion, Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu transmitted a message, saying that it is our duty not to allow those times to come back and the people to suffer again, IPN reports.

Igor Grosu disseminated a public message, mentioning the tragedy experienced by tens of thousands of people in Bessarabia and North Bucovina. “These innocent people were punished for thinking freely, because they opposed the rules of the then regimes,” stated the Speaker.

“We now understand better how precious freedom is. It is our duty not to allow those times to come back and the people to suffer again because they are different. Let’s keep the memory of those who were wronged and transmit this memory to the new generations.”

The first wave of Stalinist deportations in Bessarabia and North Bucovina took place on the night of June 13, 1941. About 30,000 persons in Bessarabia and North Bucovina were taken to Siberia by wagons. There were two more waves later, in 1949 and 1951.