
80 disabled children to receive medical treatment in Switzerland


Eighty children with disabilities from five residential institutions located in Ialoveni, Carpineni, Balti, Orhei, and Leova, will receive medical treatment and rest at the summer camp Swisscor in Trogen, Switzerland, Info Prim Neo reports. In a news conference on July 29, Deputy Minister of Education Tatiana Potang said this is the second time that Moldovan children from socially underprivileged families and disabled children have the possibility of going to Switzerland under a partnership agreement signed by the Ministry of Education and the Swiss foundation Swisscor, which covers all the costs. The children aged between 11 and 14 will be accompanied by 14 adults – educators and medical assistants working in the institutions that accommodate these children. The 14 persons received special training and know French. “Switzerland is a country with good traditions in helping children. In 2000, we decided to annually offer 100 children from the whole world the possibility of receiving treatment and resting in Switzerland,” said Adolf Ogi, the head of the Swisscor.Patronage Committee. “We want these children to return healthier and more joyful.” Francoise Tschaner, doctor with Swisscor, said that during two weeks the children will receive orthopedic, ophthalmological and other kinds of treatment and will be provided with new prostheses. “The medical records of the 80 children are in Switzerland. They have been already examined so that every child will benefit from the necessary treatment. The results obtained after two weeks of treatment will be sent to Moldova so that the children can be further treated at home,” said Francoise Tschaner. Moldovan children went to Switzerland with the support of Swisscor foundation in 2007 as well.