
700 persons eat daily at social canteens in Chisinau


In the municipality of Chisinau, 700 persons with modest incomes daily have a meal at the social eateries opened in the districts of Chisinau or take the lunch free in a parcel. Compared with five years ago, he number of beneficiaries of free meals has grown, the General Social Assistance Division said in an answer to an inquiry made by IPN Agency.

The services are provided through the agency of business entities chosen as a result of public tender contests. Five contractors were selected for 2018.

A person enjoys at most 30 free meals a quarter . Among the beneficiaries are pensioners and homeless persons without incomes or with low incomes and persons who do not have legal maintainers. The persons with disabilities who are in difficult situations and children from socially deprived groups classed as such by the local social assistance bodies can also ask to have free meals at social canteens.

Applications can be submitted to the General Social Assistance Division. The persons are eligible if they have monthly incomes for the previous year lower than one-two minimum old-age pensions.

Almost 5 million lei was allocated from the 2018 municipal budget for covering the costs of free meals for socially underprivileged persons from Chisinau municipality. The menus of beneficiaries include soups, salads, meat and fish products, baked products, fruit and vegetables.