
53% of citizens do not feel safe in Moldova, study


Most of the citizens of the Republic of Moldova consider the state does not manage to ensure their safety. The market, public transport and the street are the least safe places during the day, while at night the street becomes the least safe environment, shows the sociological survey “Victimization and management of crime phenomenon in the Republic of Moldova” that was carried out with support from Soros Foundation Moldova, IPN reports.

Against 2010, when a similar survey was made public, the people’s perception of the security level in Moldova is now better. However, the largest part of the respondents do not feel safe and consider that the authorities have reduced capacitates to ensure their protection.

“In 2010, 30% of the respondents said they didn’t feel safe at the market. In 2021, the perception declined to 29%, this being the environment in which the persons feel the least safe. Public transport is the next least safe environment, which was mentioned by 19% of the respondents. 15% of those surveyed said they fell unsafe in parks and on the street, during the day as well. As regards security at night, the street remains the least safe place for 38% of the respondents,” said international expert Jean Redpath, author of the statistical data analysis report.

The study also shows that the population’s confidence in the police the past ten years increased. 22% of those surveyed consider the work of the police and the services provided by them have improved. “53% of the respondents believe the Republic of Moldova does not ensure their safety. However, there is a significant improvement compared with the data of the 2010 poll, which showed that 65% of the responds considered the stated didn’t ensure their security. The districts that are situated closer to the border with Romania and Ukraine feel better protected and this can be due to the activity of the border police,” stated Jean Redpath.

The survey was conducted with the assistance of Soros Foundation Moldova and covered a sample of 4,553 persons. It has a margin of sampling error of 1.5%. Soros Foundation promotes the values of open society, supports democracy and innovatory ideas.