
4 out of 10 students did not pass the math pre-test


About 58% of the students who wrote the republican pre-test in mathematics, part of the national exams for graduation from secondary school, obtained passing grades, i.e. at least "5". This means that 6 out of 10 students passed the pre-test, the Ministry of Education and Research announced in a press release, IPN reports.

According to the MEC, the pass rate varies significantly from one district to another. The lowest average is recorded in the Riscani district (about 33%) and the highest - in the Chisinau municipality (about 71%). However, in 13 districts and municipalities there are educational institutions with a 100% pass rate.

The highest average grade of "8.50" was recorded in an educational institution in Chisinau municipality, and the lowest average grade was recorded in an educational institution in the Ocnita district.

MEC claims that the results obtained by ninth grade students in the republican pre-test held in February, compared to those obtained in the thematic test in November, show a significantly positive development. The pass rate increased from 44% in November to 58% in February.

Another indicator is the finding that the number of high-performing pupils (grades 9 and 10) has risen considerably, from 0.8% to 5%. According to MEC, the increase from just over 10 thousand participants in November to almost 30 thousand in February gives an overview of the level of students' preparation.

After pre-testing, MEC identified over 6 000 students who will be included in the remedial program. They will benefit from 30-40 free extra lessons of math preparation in April and May, giving them the opportunity to reinforce their mathematical knowledge and skills. The program will be run by teachers with extensive experience in preparing students, ensuring quality teaching support to improve performance.

The pre-tests were attended by 29 800 students from over 1000 educational institutions from all districts and municipalities of Moldova.

The basic session of the national secondary school exams for the current school year will be held from June 2-12. The Ministry of Education and Research and the National Agency for Curriculum and Evaluation will delegate external monitors to each educational institution on all exam days, and the papers for all tests will be assessed centrally in four republican centers in Chisinau. Those who will not pass the secondary school exam in June will have the chance of two additional sessions in July and August.