
4% of parking places will be for persons with disabilities


The Parliament’s commission on social protection, health and family approved the report on a bill to introduce a quota of 4% of all the parking places, but not fewer than two places for the free parking of units of transport of persons with disabilities. The draft law stipulates penalties for drivers who will illegally occupy these places, IPN reports.

Under the bill, the adjustment, reservation and appropriate marking of at least 4% of all the parking places will be ensued by the central and local public authorities, nongovernmental organizations and business entities, regardless of the legal form of organization, in urban and in rural localities.

The manager of parking lots in the public sector and at the home of persons with disabilities will distribute at request free parking places to persons with disabilities as closer to the entrance to the building as possible.

The drivers who will not obey the disabled parking signs will face fines of 750 to 1,500 lei and three penalty points.