
356 thousand residents of Transnistrian region hold Moldovan citizenship


As of mid-September, 364,986 residents living on the left bank of the Nistru River and the municipality of Bender were registered in the State Population Register. Of them, 355,934 had the citizenship of the Republic of Moldova.

The Reintegration Bureau notes, citing data of the Public Services Agency, that between January 1 and September 14, 2,187 residents of the Transnistrian region benefited from facilitations for the issuance of Moldovan identity cards and 354 for the issuance of provisional identity cards.

Under the conditions of the simplified procedure for acquiring the citizenship of the Republic of Moldova (based on written consent and on the basis of civil status documents certifying birth on the territory of the country), in the period April 19, 2018-September 14, 2023, 34,090 people were recognized as citizens of the Republic of Moldova. Of them, 23,465 (about 69%) are residents of the left bank of the Nistru and the municipality of Bender who have already obtained identity documents of citizens of the Republic of Moldova.