
22 million lei to go on renovation of five dorms


The Ministry of Education and Research has allocated 22 million lei for the renovation of five dorms – of the Moldova State University (USM), the Technical University of Moldova (UTM), the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova (ASEM), “Ion Creangă” State Teacher-Training University in Chisinau and “Alecu Russo” State University in Balti, IPN reports.

A sum of 4.74 million lei will go to replace the wirings and heat pipes and to furnish dorm No. 8 of the UTM. The same amounts will be used to repair dorm No. 2 of the ASEM and to thermally insulate the building, to repair the roof and the sanitary facilities of dorm No. 4 of “Ion Creangă” University.

Dorm No. 1 of the USM will also have its roof repaired and will be furnished at a cost of 4.2 million lei. The dorm “Olimp” of the Balti University, which hosts the medical office of the University, will be renovated and thermally insulated at a cost of 3.5 million lei.

The total volume of budget allocations for additionally financing public higher educational establishments managed by the Ministry of Education and Research for the 2023 financial year exceeded 55 million lei.