
21 projects to be funded in advance from Agriculture Development Fund


Twenty-one projects will be financed from the National Agriculture Development Fund, to a total 12 million lei, with the money paid upfront. The Agricultural Subsidies Agency (AIPA) announces that on April 8 it has closed the third call for applications for upfront subventions offered to young people and women willing to start an agricultural business.
Most applications, 13, came from women, and 8 others came from young farmers. Nine projects involve creation of vineyards or orchards, eight are in the livestock sector, and four will deal with bee-keeping. 
The 21 applications will now be thoroughly examined by AIPA’s evaluation commission.
The 2019 Agriculture Development Fund budgets 45 million lei for upfront subsidies. The third call for applications under this financing scheme was held during February 1 - April 8.