
2011 will be a stable and quiet year full of new cosmic tests for Moldova. Info-Prim Neo interview with Tatiana Paladi about cosmoplanetary climate in 2011 and its influence on Moldova


[ - Why do we need astral forecasts and to know the cosmoplanetary situation?] [Tatiana Paladi:] Knowing the cosmoplanetary climate and first of all the rhythms of the social planets helps to correctly shape the country's destiny and build relations with other countries, to avoid obstacles in the material and spiritual spheres of life. When studying the cosmic atmosphere created by these plants when they cross Moldova's astrogram, we can predict the sociopolitical situation and events of 2011. This knowledge is real power that enables mainly the country's administration to improve the situation in Moldova. The predictions provide useful information about the influence of the vibrations caused by the cosmos and help us to understand the prospects and consequences and to take correct decisions. The forecasts enable us to see beforehand how the sociopolitical events will develop, according to the principle “If you are warned, you are armed”. [ - What does 2011 prepare for Moldova? They say the Tomcat (Rabbit) heals the wounds.] [Tatiana Paladi:] The Year of Tomcat/Metal Rabbit starts on February 3, 2011 and ends on January 23, 2012. This year will have a special connotation for our country. It will be full of prospects and favorable occasions in the national interest as the astral governor is compatible with the Ewe Lamb, which is the life sign of modern Moldova. It will help Moldova recover after two hard and unstable years that were governed by signs that are incompatible with the life sign of the Independent Moldova (2009 – Earth Bull, and 2010 – Metal Tiger), accompanied by feelings of dissatisfaction with oneself and with the government and by the absence of funds. The tiredness accumulated in these years will be offset by peace and quietness. Many of the problems that were not resolved in 2010 will disappear by themselves as the Governor of the Year – the Tomcat – is a good diplomat that can bring peace and stability. The main goal of Moldova in 2011 will be to preserve the results achieved in 20 years of independence. In general, there will be no major conflicts. The obstacles will be avoided or overcome skilfully. The geopolitical wound in the Moldovan society will not hurt much and will be healed by the fluffy Tomcat that hates instability and rows. [ -Will Moldova have an active sociopolitical life without major economic and geopolitical troubles?] [Tatiana Paladi:] Yes, it will. It will be a period dominated by intelligence, refinement and good taste that should be typical first of all of the political class. Nobody will want to deal with serious problems and more or less unpleasant events. There will be a general state of peacefulness in society. 2011 will be beneficial to society. The chance for the people to become good friends is rather big as emphasis is laid on friendship, trust and compassion. The problems will be solved easily, without quarrels and arrogance towards the friends as the governor of the year is wise, amiable and able to avoid situations that can cause harm. [ - Will the recent post-electoral events on the political arena destabilize society?] [Tatiana Paladi:] No, they will not as the imbalance in the ratio of forces is now weak. In 2011, the stress will be placed on diplomacy, not open protests. The legislative body will become more stable and confident in its forces. The political class will try to catch the most favorable light. It will be more sensible in taking important decisions as regards the pro-European policy that will undoubtedly play a crucial role in continuation. However, it will be hard to find out what the Moldovan politicians think and plan as they have many secret combinations in their minds. The parties that entered Parliament will unite and create certain conditions that will later facilitate access to the grand political arena. [ - What will be the composition of the government and where it will take us to?] [ Tatiana Paladi:] The Communist governors will create a consolidated body that will put things in order. In this period, the country's administration will be noticed and praised for special intellectual abilities both at internal and external levels. Our politicians will make significant progress on the European integration path and will put forward initiatives aimed at solving the problems faced by the country. They will be supported by those around (especially the European Union and Russia, whose life signs are compatible with Moldova's). They will cope with any situation as the government mechanism will be viable and prudent. The events should not be hastened as energetic reconstructions take place in the cosmos until January 4, 2011, when the solar eclipse will occur in Capricorn. In 2011, the leaders will be more conservative in decisions and will avoid risky actions, scandals and events that can produce emotional affections in society. [ - Are there prospects of welfare and prosperity in the near future?] [ Tatiana Paladi:] The prospects are insignificant, but it will be a year that will favor economic recovery and the resolving of financial problems. There will appear important business partners and possible secret affairs. There will be no serious crisis, but we must not relax or avoid the difficulties. We will have to be wasteful in order to progress. [ - Will Moldova enjoy active support from the European organizations?] [ Tatiana Paladi:] Throughout the year, there will be established acceptable and convenient partnerships. The aspirations of the Moldovan state will be fulfilled dynamically and the irreversibility of the pro-European course will be ensured by the relations with the foreign partners, which will be based on respect, diplomacy and responsibility. The country's foreign policy centering on the European Union and relations with Russia will be supported. Some of the stages opened in 2009-2010 will be completed. Besides, a large number of official visits paid to Moldova to discuss the status of the relations between Moldova and the EU, there will appear conditions that will help restructure the relations with some of the states from the constant communication circle. The diplomatic cooperation with Romania and Ukraine will be more efficient. 2011 is favorable for implementing the plans and decisions regarding Moldova's entry into the EU. Moldova will have to make compromises in order to reach consensus with the foreign partners, but this will not create difficulties. It will build its road and will be welcomed and accepted by almost all the countries. The absence of major problems and challenges is not a reason for losing the progress pace. Special attention should be devoted to the foreign relations and the diplomatic service. Moldova will be favored on the international arena. It will enjoy support from the European organizations and will have good relations with the neighboring countries and Russia. [ - Will Moldova be able to avoid the world crisis and have a peaceful life in 2011?] [ Tatiana Paladi:] I described the cosmic arrangement generated by the governor of 2011 that offers chances, benefits and other nice gifts to the Ewe Lamb – Moldova. However, there will be difficult periods and obstacles amplified by the cosmic energies of the social planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto), eclipses and other astral events. Compared with the last two years, the sociopolitical atmosphere will be calmer. There will be yet economic and financial problems, hindrances in implementing projects, repaying debts and extending activities. On March 12, Uranus will enter Aries for a seven-year period, closing an epoch of suffering. It will bring many opportunities that cannot be missed: rapid energy changes, confrontations and tension between the political leaders, forced modernization, etc. The planets will continue to motivate the people to take action on the basis of their experience. One should not avoid responsibility as they will be punished and will lose many of their achievements. 2011 will enable to take important steps towards solving problems by efficient political activities and political, humanitarian and social contacts with international organizations. There will be occasions to make decisive changes aimed at removing the restrictions and the old obstacles. Only a free people can overcome the difficulties, take the opportunities and use the cosmic energies for one's own benefit. [Note Info-Prim Neo:] {1. The head of the Culture and Cosmology Center “Polus Geticus” Tatiana Paladi has a 20-year-experience in politics and public administration. The researches of the metahistory of Moldova and the world carried out during 15 years allow her to decipher the planetary arrangements of the geopolitical events, the energy codes of the entities, the enigmas and paradigms of Moldova. She is the author of the cosmological treaty about the development of Moldova, described in the book “Moldova’s Astrodestiny”, and of the works “Moldova in 2010”, “Cosmology for and about parents”, “Zodiacal congratulations” etc. 2. The Culture and Cosmology Center “Polus Geticus” published detailed information about the influence of the cosmic time 2011 on the cosmic website www.polusgeticus.com.md.} [Valeriu Vasilica, Info-Prim Neo]