
2007 Budget has been adopted


The Parliament approved Thursday November 23 the bill on the State Budget for 2007 in the final reading. The draft state budget for the next year plans incomes of 12.088 bln lei and expenses of 12.161 bln lei, with a budgetary deficit of almost 73 mln lei. According to the draft budget, the income planned for the coming year exceed by over 1.6 bln lei, or by 15.4%, the figure forecasted for 2006. The tax revenue will constitute over 9 bln lei, or about 77%, of which the most important part belongs to indirect incomes. It is also forecasted to increase revenues from VAT collection, income tax and excises on different products. The expenses of the state budget for next year are on increase compared to those envisaged for this year by about 1.6 bln lei, or by 14.7%. The basic expenditures for 2007 amount to about 10 bln lei, or 82.6% out of all expenses. Nicolae Bondarciuc, head of the Parliamentary Commission for economic policy, budget and finances, stated that while examining the draft there were debated about 600 proposals put forward by MPs, factions, local public authorities etc. 70 MPs from the communist, democratic, Christian democratic factions voted the Budget. “Moldova Noastra” (AMN) Alliance voted against it for the reason that many AMN MPs’ proposals were rejected.