
2006 State Budget exceeded expectations – Mihai Pop


The Budget Law for 2006 has been implemented showing an essential increase in tax revenue, stated Minister of Finances Mihai Pop, at a meeting convened by Premier Vasile Tarlev with the decision makers within the Government. The reports on preliminary results of economic development in Moldova in 2006 have been presented at the meeting. As Pop says, revenues of 11.089 bln lei were accrued in the state budget in 2006. This is by 173.7 mln lei more than planned. Compared to the parameters of the initial state budget, adopted by the end of 2005, the revenues were by about 1.1 bln lei larger, and compared to 2005 they have decreased by over 2 bln lei. The Minister of Finances specified that upward trends in accumulations have been registered in the fiscal system. In 2006, the revenues resulted from the internal economic activities increased by 32.8% against 2005. Minister of Economy and Commerce Igor Dodon informed that the evolution of the economic and social indexes in 2006 confirms the maintenance of the macroeconomic stability and gradual improvement of the people’s living standard. As he says, in January -September the Gross Domestic Product registered a 4.6% increase. According to the Ministry’s forecast, the total increase in the Gross Domestic Product in 2006 is over 4%. A positive index of economy development is the increase in the fixed capital investments, which comprised about 20% more than last year. As the head of the National Bank of Moldova Leonid Talmaci states, the bank system has also registered an essential development. Thus, the international currency reserves of the National Bank constituted USD 775 mln by the end of 2006. Premier Vasile Tarlev said that though in 2006 the development of the national economy was affected by the negative impact of certain factors, for 2007 there were created real premises to reach higher achievements in all the sectors of economy.