
20 years of terrorist attack that changed the world


BBC News Russian starts to broadcast the film “September 11. I was there”. The 90-minute film is based on so far inaccessible videos and audios made by people close to the events that happened that day in New-York and on their personal impressions.

The film will be published on the website and YouTube channel of BBC News Russian and also on VKontakte and Одноклассники.

It is a deeply personal film that moves between accounts of the two-hour period when terrorists attacked the Twin Towers and the Pentagon and hijacked Flight 93 and the story of the 20 years since.

The film consists of fragments of the governmental teleconference, communications between military command centers, rescue and flight management services and employees of airlines, private telephone discussions and materials from the archives of broadcasters. They are all an illustration of the chaos witnessed that day, of the fury and unwillingness to accept what was going on.

Among the protagonists of the film are students who settled several corners of the scene, a married couple from California that took their children to New-York to show them the city, the head of the firefighting team that came to the scene among the first, a young female filmmaker who was at home, right behind the corner of World Trade Center when the attack occurred, a three-member family that separated amid the chaos and reunited only the next day.

BBC News Russian regularly publishes documentary films.