
15% reduction when paying land and property tax beforehand


The taxpayers who will fully pay the land and property tax by June 30 will benefit from a 15% reduction, as provided by the legislation. “Given that June 29 and 30 are nonworking days, we recommend the taxpayers to make the payments by June 28,” said Stela Guțu, division head at the Main State Tax Inspectorate, IPN reports.

According to Stela Gutu, the notices for payment will reach the taxpayers on June 15 at the latest. Under the legislation, the notices must be sent 60 days before the first payment term set for August 15. The second term is October 15.

This year, the tax for six categories of goods will be paid according to the market value determined by the Cadastre subdivisions. These are: the houses and apartments in towns and municipalities as well as in the settlements that form part of the municipalities of Chisinau and Balti; the industrial and commercial facilities; garages; the lands owned by fruit growing associations, the farmland and the constructions located on it.

The orchards and dwellings in rural areas haven’t been assessed and the tax rates there are set by the local public authorities in accordance with the Tax Code. The tax in the municipality of Chisinau is 0.02%.

The persons of retirement age, the participants in the Chernobyl cleanup and other categories of taxpayers will enjoy tax concessions, but only for one property and for a certain area. In the municipality of Chisinau for example, the price of this area cannot exceed 380,000 lei, while in the municipality of Balti – 156,000 lei.