
1-leu and 2-lei coins will be issued in April, while 5-lei and 10-lei coins later


The 1-leu and 2-lei coins will start to be issued at the beginning of April, while the 5-lei and 10-lei coins by the end of this year. Corneliu Melnic, head of the Cash Operations Division of the National Bank of Moldova, has told IPN that a campaign to inform the people will be carried out before the coins are put into circulation.

They will work with persons who use cash, such as the cashiers of commercial banks, pharmaceutical companies and stores. Brochures about the new coins will be distributed all over the country through banks and post offices.

According to the procedures, the money is put into circulation through licensed banks when these go to the National Bank of Moldova after cash. “As we still have 5-lei and 10-lei bills in store, the coins with a face value of 5 lei and 10 lei will be issued later,” explained Corneliu Melnic.

On February 28, 2018, the National Bank of Moldova announced that it will put into circulation a new series of metal coins with a face value of 1, 2, 5 and 10 lei, which will be circulating in parallel with the existing banknotes of the same face value until the stores are used up.