Youth Year: chance for young Moldovans to contribute to society’s development
The young people from Moldova are called on to participate most actively in developing society through direct involvement in resolving economic, political, social, scientific and cultural issues, Info-Prim Neo reports.
According to a communiqué issued by the Presidency, 55 events dedicated to youth are planned this year. Most of the events envisage the youths eager to study and participate in reforming society.
Thus, one of the most important and attractive areas for youths remains the economic environment. According to Grigore Belostecinic, the rector of the Moldova Economic Studies Academy (ASEM), the students and graduates of higher education institutions have the opportunity to set up own businesses through the agency of business-incubators. At a reunion of rectors, the ASEM rector launched the proposal to organize a conference on business-incubators.
Another streamline concerns setting up student self-government structures. Through those organizations, the young people will have the opportunity to get directly involved in issues also related to politics.
The authorities also want that the youth have a word in science technology progress and will promote the meritable youth.
More proposals and projects for 2008 included in the Plan of actions dedicated to the Youth Year have been discussed at a reunion of rectors of higher education institutions with President Vladimir Voronin. The President asks decision-making factors to take a responsible stance as for attaining the measures from the Action Plan.