
Young up to 35


The National Youth Council of Moldova suggests modifying the age for the youth group from 16-30 to 14-35. Eduard Mihalas, a member of the National Youth Council’s Bureau, stated for Info-Prim Neo that by adopting such a bill Moldova will not only comply with the European norms, but will also provide more concessions for young people and more possibilities for participation in local youth councils and resource centers for youth. “The young people get integrated until 27-28, but they still need time to start businesses. We consider it is opportune to extend the youth age limit until 35 so that the young persons benefit from certain concessions granted by the state, like preferential loans and grants,” said Eduard Mihalas. According to him, the amendments to the Law on Youth may be debated this year. Discussions on a bill to this effect were held with all the relevant ministries and most of the proposals were accepted. The Law on Youth came into force in 1999.