
Young AMN members accuse government of not taking steps to come closer to the EU


The Youth Organization of the Moldova Noastra Alliance Party staged an event themed “12 Steps – Stages for Joining the European Union” on November 28. The participants had been familiarized with the 12 stages towards accession presented graphically in the form of 12 symbolical steps. The organizers provided informative materials about the path covered by the fresh members of the EU. The event aimed to show that the current government does nothing to pave the way for entry into the EU. The steps and terms planned by the young AMN members come to confirm that the Moldova Noastra Alliance Party can responsibly and conscientiously take over the administration of the country, with the European integration being its major objective. The AMN leader Serafim Urecheanu said that the young members of the party know the steps that must be taken to initiate the European integration process and to join the EU better that the current administration of the country. This is also the major foreign policy desideratum of the party, which proposed the project “Euro-Integration with a New Government” at the last parliamentary elections. But the government remained Communist and it is against Moldova’s accession to the European community,” the AMN president said. According to the party’s Youth Organization, several days ago, the Liberal Youth Movement of the European Community LYMEC sent a message in support of the AMN Youth Organization’s intentions and of Moldova’s European prospects.