The Writers Union of Moldova firmly condemns the latest sociopolitical developments in Moldova. In a communique, the Union says the people’s demands to hold accountable the beneficiaries of the theft of the century and to restore the billion stolen from the people’s pockets are simply ignored by the authorities, while justice, which is controlled by the mafiotized oligarchs that hide behind parliamentary immunity, is like inexistent. The Union considers the only solution for Moldova is to reunify with Romania, IPN reports.
“It’s no use waiting for clear views that can save our historical destiny from the so-called political class. We are instead forced to follow stupid shows of evil inter-party revenge taking, demagogical exercises and simulation of the fight against corruption, ‘demonstrations’ staged by FSB agents under cover, etc. Foreign observers note that Moldova turned from a ‘success story’ into a ‘horror history’,” it is said in the communique.
According to the members of the Writers Union, the fall of the so-called European governments one after another and the parliamentary games played behind the scenes discredited the European idea and increased the population’s disappointment in the political class and the state institutions to a critical level of about 80%, according to the last surveys. Moreover, after the endless crises during the short period of existence of the Republic of Moldova, it is evident that Moldova failed as a state. It was captured by oligarchs and corrupt politicians. The reunification with Romania is thus the only solution that can save Moldova.
“We call on the whole society, creation unions, education institutions, scientists, teachers and businessmen, NGOs, and persons of good faith to become involved and support this idea,” reads the communique.
It also says that in the situation when 25 years of independence of Moldova meant in fact a movement from nowhere to somewhere, it is the duty of the intellectuals to draw the Moldovan population’s attention to the only way out - the integration into the EU by reunifying the two Romanian states – the Republic of Moldova and Romania.