
Writer Ion Druță died


Writer Ion Druță, who recently turned 95, died today, September 28, at 10am. The announcement was made by the Cartier publishing house which said that the writer died in Moscow, where he had lived for a period, IPN reports.

Ion Druță was born on September 3, 1928 in Horodiște village of Dondușeni district. His books “Longing Leave”, “Field Ballads”, “Last Autumn Month”, “Burden of Our Kindness”, “Belfry”, “Horodiște”, “White Church” and others form part of the golden stock of the national literature.

In 1987, Ion Druta was named president of honor of the Writers Union of Moldova. He was a member of honor of the Romanian Academy and a member of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. On August 26, 2008, he won the State Award for exceptional contribution to developing national and universal culture and literature.