
World Bank supports extension of successful businesses within MAC-P Project


The World Bank is ready to support the extension of businesses that turned out to be successful within the Moldova Agriculture Competitiveness Project (MAC-P). Minister of Agriculture Eduard Grama and WB representatives Anatol Gobjila and Olga Sainciuc discussed the signing of an additional financing agreement between Moldova and the International Development Association, IPN reports.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, the document envisions the extension of businesses financed during the first phase of the project, especially within the component “Enhancing market access potential”. The additional financing agreement will also provide for the restructuring of the project so as to reallocate the money that remained from the component “Compensations for supporting sales” to the component “Strengthening food safety management”.

As a result of discussions between the project team and the Government, it was reached the conclusion that the additional financing represents the most suitable method of ensuring the extension of the successful activities of the MAC-P for promoting Moldovan small and medium-sized fruit producers on foreign markets.

Launched in June 2013, the Moldova Agriculture Competitiveness Project (MAC-P) aims to enhance the competitiveness of the agro food sector by supporting the modernization of the food safety management system, facilitating market access for farmers, and mainstreaming agro-environmental and sustainable land management practices.