
World Bank highlights priorities of Partnership Strategy with Moldova for 2009 – 2012


The development of the private sector and attraction of investment are two objectives that would enable Moldova to have a sustainable economic growth and move up to the group of countries with average incomes when achieved. Such a model of economic development would be supported by the World Bank through the Partnership Strategy with Moldova for 2009 – 2012. The statement was made by Melanie Marlett, WB Country Manager for Moldova, at consultations on the draft strategy with civil society representatives, Info-Prim Neo reports. According to Melanie Marlett, in order to achieve the mentioned objectives, Moldova should meet several serious challenges: to enhance economic competitiveness, promote the development of human resources and improve public services, strengthen management in the public sector by more efficiently and transparently using the resources. These goals are stipulated in the National Development Strategy and represent the three pillars of the World Bank Partnership Strategy with Moldova for 2009- 2012. The WB strategy envisions support for the projects aimed at creating a competitive business environment, fighting corruption, increasing efforts and resources for diagnosing sector government. Among these are: planning of investment in infrastructure and healthcare, reform of the salary system in the public sector, strengthening of the acquisitions system, development of the export potential in the agricultural sector, etc. Marlett said that the strategy will be examined by the WB Board of Directors in January 2009. Under the strategy, Moldova could obtain about 50 million dollars a year. The projects that will be financed during the first implementation year of the strategy have been already selected. These are: the Poverty Reduction Support Credit (PRSC-3), the Second Energy Project, whose heat supply component will be extended to the whole country and will be provided with additional financing, and the Second Social Investment Fund Project. There will be supported a number of analytical and consultative activities aimed at reforming the government and the healthcare system, etc. During the next years, the WB would increase financing for the Competitiveness Enhancement Project and support a project to adjust and reduce natural disaster risks and a project to improve energy efficiency. Attending the consultations, WB Country Director for Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova Martin Raiser stressed that the priorities selected by the World Bank are designed to improve the government and the quality of public services.