
Workplaces for disabled persons created within social projects


The nongovernmental organizations of Moldova will be able to facilitate the employment of persons with disabilities through social entrepreneurship projects. Marin Dolinta, coordinator of the project “Social entrepreneurship for persons with disabilities”, has told IPN that the project aims to help the disabled persons find a job, but also to create appropriate work conditions for them.

According to Marin Dolinta, Moldova has experience in the field. A number of projects have been successfully implemented in Soroca several years ago.

Marin Dolinta said that things may develop in this sector if the economic entities cooperate with the public associations. If the economic entities provide workplaces for persons with disabilities, the profit made from economic activity will be distributed proportionally. The money allocated to NGOs will not reach the pockets of the association’s head, but the working beneficiaries and will be also used to develop certain services.

In a roundtable meeting centering on social entrepreneurship, the representatives of civil society said that this form of entrepreneurship should be encouraged and delimited from other types of businesses. Aliona Turcanu, expert of the project “Social entrepreneurship for persons with disabilities”, said that unlike the businesses orientated exclusively to profit, the social entrepreneurship aims to solve community problems. However, today the social entrepreneurs are put in the same conditions as the other economies entities, i.e. they pay the same taxes.

The expert stressed that the social entrepreneurship should be clearly defined in Moldova and the fiscal policy should be adjusted to it.

The project “Social entrepreneurship for persons with disabilities” is implemented by the Association “Motivatie” with support from USAID, within the Moldova Civil Society Strengthening Program that is implemented by FHI360.