
Women give food to passersby on Saint Nicholas


Dozens of women went to Saint Teodora de la Sihla Church in Chisinau in the morning of December 19 to set tables with candies and dishes in honor of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker. The food is given to passersby for the health of the close persons who are named Nicolae and to remember those who passed away, Info-Prim Neo reports. Two tables with dishes – one for those who are alive and one for those who are dead – were laid near the Church. “Everyone brings something to remember the dead persons, according to tradition. My father was called Nicolae and we remember him every year. They say that this way we give light to those who departed this life,” said Vera Beretaci from Chisinau. Maria Crevopyshka from Ghidighici said she celebrates the day of the house on this day. “I brought biscuits, candies, knot-shaped bread. After the priest blesses them, I will give them to passersby and faithful persons in the church,” she said. Anastasia Culai said that she comes to church every year on this day to bless food and candies and then gives them to children and relatives. “They use to give presents on this day and we try to bless them first,” she said. Saint Nicholas was a historic 4th-century saint and Greek Bishop of Myra. Because of the many miracles attributed to his intercession, he is also known as Nikolaos the Wonderworker. He had a reputation for secret gift-giving, such as putting candies and gifts in the shoes of those who left them out for him, and thus became the model for Santa Claus. It is said that he also helped three poor girls in his city of Patara, bringing them dowry at night, without being seen.