
Witness in “bank fraud” case says he has evidence that can help convict perpetrators


Denis Urechi, who is a witness in the “bank fraud” case, noted that he has enough evidence and can provide enough information to the court for the perpetrators in this criminal case to be convicted. As a witness in this case for 11 years, he says that he faced considerable pressure, including arrest and conviction in a falsified case, but no one could make him change his position.

In a press conference hosted by IPN, Denis Urechi said that in 2018, when he was held at Penitentiary No. 4, an attempt on his life was organized. This case hasn’t been examined so far and prosecutor Alexandru Arcer sabotages the examination. “Being unable to influence me to make me change my statements, the criminal group organized my kidnapping and placing in prison. On October 27, I was taken by the police from my office in the absence of any documents and accompanied to the penitentiary, where they kept me for 56 days. As a result, I was granted amnesty and was set free in 56 days. I have no idea based on what documents I was held,” said Denis Urechi.

His lawyers made a number of requests to all the national and international courts and the Ministry of Justice even initiated an administrative procedure as part of which it was established that he was held in penitentiary on the instructions of the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office. Denis Urechi asks to establish the truth and identify those to blame for his detention as a witness in the case.

Denis Urechi made accusations against acting prosecutor general Ion Muntean, saying that while he was in jail, Muntean dropped a criminal case related to the “bank fraud” case, namely the Eximbank episode.

Denis Urechi also said that the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office and the acting prosecutor general persecute witnesses and destroy evidence. According to him, the bank fraud took place during the “state capture”, but what followed aggravated the situation even more.

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