
Withdrawal of foreign troops from Moldova’s territory to be examined by UN June 22


The draft resolution concerning the complete and unconditional withdrawal of the foreign armed forces from the territory of the Republic of Moldova will be examined in the June 22 meeting of the UN General Assembly, Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Tudor Ulianovski was quoted by IPN as saying in a news conference.

“There are ten states that co-authored the given draft resolution already,” stated the minister. According to him, even if this draft resolution is based on the commitments undertaken by the Russian Federation, the expectation is that the UN member states will offer support based on the international law principles and the principles of the UN Charter, showing solidarity with Moldova’s approach.

The Moldovan authorities insist on the unconditional and complete pullout of the Operative Group of Russian Forces that are staying illegally on Moldova’s territory, not yet of the rotating contingent that forms part of the military component of the Joint Control Commission and is deployed in the eastern districts. According to Tudor Ulianovski, such confusion is often created intentionally so as to mislead the public opinion.

The minister also said that the Moldovan authorities constantly pleaded for the withdrawal of the Russian military troops from its territory, these being a reminiscence of the former 14th Soviet army that in 1995 was reorganized into the so-called Operative Group of Russian Forces.