
Will Igor Dodon step down for period of election campaign?


Even if the electoral legislation does not oblige him to, President Igor Dodon said he will take a decision as to the suspension of his duties for the period of the election campaign by the end of September.

In a new edition of the program “President Responds”, Igor Dodon reminded that the electoral legislation does not oblige the President, the Prime Minister and the Parliament Speaker to step down for the electoral period. “A decision will be taken by the end of this month. But the legislation does not oblige the President to step down for the electoral period. Surely, regardless of the decision, we will not use administrative resources. This means I will not go to electoral meetings as Head of State,” President Dodon stated, answering the question put by IPN News Agency.

“Someone already wants me to leave the post of President. In general, something new is always found for Dodon. No President was obliged until now to leave the party. The restriction not to be a party member was intended for President Dodon. No President suspended his duties for the electoral period. Now you want President Dodon to do this. You always find fault with the election runners,” he stated.

Igor Dodon noted he wants to build a Moldova in which the people will want to live. “Absolutely everything is included here, starting from the fight against corruption, justice, water and sewerage, salaries and so on. I will come up with such a program. The electoral platform is ready. It will most probably be launched after I file an application to be registered.”

The initiative group in support of Igor Dodon, led by Socialist MP Vlad Batrîncea, was registered by the Central Election Commission on September 11. The signatures in support of the candidate are to be collected until October 1.