
Why Voronin parted company with his ideologist


The former ideologist of the Communist Party (PCRM) Mark Tkachuk and other representatives of the party tried to include a number of controversial persons on the party’s list of candidates and the failure of this attempt led to their separation from the PCRM. Among those persons was Veaceslav Platon, the leader of the PCRM Vladimir Voronin said in a news conference, quoted by IPN.

Asked to comment on the given information that was earlier disseminated by the media, Vladimir Voronin confirmed that such attempts were indeed made. “There were such interests and not only Tkachuk pursued such goals. I don’t remember everyone. Among the proposed candidates was a former editor of the newspaper “Moldavskye Vedomosti” Victor Josu. He now writes more about religion. There was also the current head of the Party “Patria” (Emilian Ciobu – e.n.), Veaceslav Platon and others,” he stated.

Vladimir Voronin said he didn’t accept these proposals mainly because one of the main criteria used for compiling the list of candidates was that all the candidates should be members of the Communist Party.

The name of Veaceslav Platon appeared in the media at the begging of this year in connection with the alleged attempts to bribe some MPs in a move to destroy the Pro-European Coalition. Two persons were arrested then, on suspicion that they attempted to bribe an MP. Platon was also associated with a number of financial-banking scandals.