
Why journalists do not understand Igor Dodon? Sic!


President Igor Dodon on January 24 had a meeting with representatives of the media, where he boasted about his accomplishments during the first month of his term and answered journalists’ questions. A large part of the statements and questions were related to the President’s recent visit to Moscow. The authors of an article on sic.md analyzed the President’s answers and established that Igor Dodon’s speech turned out to be again very ‘flexible’, being marked by contradictions and untruths, IPN reports.

Igor Dodon started the meeting with journalists by enumerating the results of his visit to Moscow, mentioning the lifting of the ban on entering the Russian Federation for 50,000 Moldovans. The article authors say in Chisinau the President assured the journalists that the problem was already solved, while in Moscow he only voiced hope that a solution would be identified.

“Even if Igor Dodon obtained a concession from the Russian authorities, this wasn’t announced explicitly in the meeting with Putin held in Moscow. Moreover, the meeting was followed by no other official announcement. On the one hand, we have only the President’s assertion that the problem was solved. On the other hand, we have Putin’s promise that the problem could be solved somehow, but this would not be discussed separately, but in a package, together with the other states,” says the article.

This also says that during the meeting with the journalists, the new President often complained that his statements were misinterpreted, that he wasn’t understood, that declarations that he didn’t make were attributed to him, etc. Such a type of speech characterized him in the election campaign, but Dodon continues to resort to it even if he is no longer an ordinary politician, but is the Head of State.

“His contradictory or false statements and subsequent ‘clarification’ could be more or less justified in the election campaign, but in the post of Head of State such tactics are not appropriate. You cannot say as President that ‘half of Romania’s territory is Moldovan’ and then to insist that you respect Romania and the Romanians and have nothing against them. You cannot assert that Moldova will look for methods to repay the debts of the breakaway region and then to shrug your shoulders and say that this is the duty of a ‘business entity’. Or to tell the Moldovans that the problem of the ban on entering Russia was solved, when the Russians said clearly that this is something that is not within Moldova’s competence. Or to blame the Associating Agreement for the theft of the US$1 billion even if this took effect several years after the theft was committed,” says the article.

The full article in the Romanian language can be read o sic.md. Sic! is a project implemented by IPN News Agency with support from Soros Foundation Moldova.