
Who else is leaving the Democrats?


Vlad Cotet, Galina Talai and Oazi Nantoi – the remaining three municipal councillors of the Democratic Party – have not yet decided whether to follow or not the example of their former leader in the City Council, Alexandru Tanase, who recently left the party. Vlad Cotet told Info-Prim Neo that he is not hurrying to make any statements, because he hasn’t made up his mind yet. However, the councillor expressed discontent with the way people are controlled in Moldovan politics, yet he didn’t say whom he was hinting at. Cotet added that, most likely, the decision he is going to make will be collective rather than personal. Galina Talai says she will announce her decision only after the meetings scheduled for this Friday with the party’s president Dumitru Diacov and with MP Vladimir Filat. Oazu Nantoi could not be found to comment on the issue. Sources close to him have told Info-Prim Neo that he is on vacation outside the country and will be back no sooner than next week. The leader of the Democratic faction in the City Council, Alexandru Tanase, yesterday announced he was leaving the Democratic Party to join MP Vladimir Filat and his new political project. Tanase said he found his decision absolutely rational, as he entered politics in this summer’s election campaign alongside Vladimir Filat. Furthermore, he said he would give up the post of faction leader in case the other councillors elected as Democrats choose not to follow him. MP Vladimir Filat left the Democratic Party on September 13. A press release by the Democrats announced that on September 18 Filat was excluded from the party’s parliamentary group and replaced by Marcel Raducan as vice-president of the faction.