
Wheelchair repair and assembly centers to be opened in Chisinau


An area will be allotted at the National Experimental Center for Prosthesis, Orthopedics and Rehabilitation where persons with disabilities to be able to repair their wheelchairs. Secretary general of state at the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection Boris Gîlca made the announcement in the context of the proposals made by Jane Ebel, British expert in the field of disability and inclusive education, IPN reports.

In a meeting with Boris Gîlca, the British exert proposed instituting a center for the repair and assembly of wheelchairs and the organization of a free training center for technical specialists so that the persons with disabilities have access to professional repair services and the wheelchairs are used for a longer period of time.

In the immediate period, the administration of the National Experimental Center for Prosthesis, Orthopedics and Rehabilitation will have technical consultations with representatives from the UK so as to achieve the announced objectives.

A number of 453 wheelchairs were distributed in 2018 and another 780 persons who are on the waiting list will be provided with wheelchairs this year. According to statistics, over 27,000 persons in Moldova use wheelchairs.