
What persons who buy health policy individually should know


The mandatory health insurance premiums in fixed amount, alongside the other contributions paid as percentage form earnings (salary and other recompenses) and the state budget transfers for persons who are medically insured by the Government, are collected into the mandatory health insurance funds. 97% of these funds are intended for the medical services that are covered by the National Health Insurance Company (CNAM) for public and private health facilities based on the signed contracts. The rest is used for such prophylaxis activities as immunization and screening, to develop and modernize the medical service providers, to manage the mandatory health insurance funds, the CNAM specified in an explanatory article that is quoted by IPN.

The health insurance premium in fixed amount for 2021 remained at the level of 4,056 lei. A number of payers are obliged to insure themselves medically, including the owners of farmland, founders of individual enterprises, persons who work individually in retail trade, mediators, notaries, bailiffs and other categories of taxpayers.

The health insurance premium in fixed amount can be paid annually as of January 1 until March 31 inclusive. Reductions ranging from 50% to 75% of the sum are provided in the period, depending on the category of taxpayers. The status of individually insured person is provided when the premium is paid, but nor earlier than January 1, and is valid until December 31.

As of April 1, the persons who didn’t buy a health policy by the time limits set by law will pay the health insurance premium in fixed amount plus penalties (0.1% of the sum of the premium for each fay of delay) and fines, in particular cases. The status of insured person is provided in seven days of the day the payment is made.