The 13th edition of the Weekly Journal at Free Europe was launched in Chisinau in the evening of February 23. The collection consists of 104 weeks of the life of personalities from politics, business, culture and ordinary people from the Republic of Moldova, IPN reports.
Coordinator of the volume Valentina Ursu, Radio Free Europe journalist, said one should not necessarily be writer to be able to write and many people in Moldova have the talent for writing. She knew many of the protagonists of the Journal in a different way and their confessions during 13 years often came in direct contraction to the official reports. “We want the readers of this book in five years to make a comparison of the situation in the Republic of Moldova based not only on official information, but also on what ordinary people write. It seems to me that this radiography of the reality in Moldova can be compared with what those who are in power tell us,” stated Valentina Ursu.
Oana Serafim, director of the service for Moldova of Radio Free Europe, said the politicians in Chisinau need to know that Moldova is larger than only Chisinau. “I think the stories of each of the signatories of the Journal show a real Moldova, a Moldova without fraud from which many people have what to learn. If you look at volumes 1, 2, 3, you will see the road covered by this county and this will help us see a Moldova without fraud,” stated Oana Serafim.
Politician Maia Sandu, one of the protagonists of the Journal, said the stories contained in this make the real history. “If the politicians start to write history, I think we should better believe what the ordinary people write only. I hope the politicians will not start to do this,” she stated.
The youngest author, student Ciprian Raetski said that for him the keeping of a journal during a week was a very special experience because he never earlier tried to put together what he did during a week on paper. He said he appreciates Free Europe for its friendly staff and as a source of information.
Businesswoman from Balti Arina Spataru said that for her Free Europe is freedom, while freedom in her opinion is doing something else than what you do each day.
In the same evening, there was launched the 11th volume of the series “Reality in detail at Free Europe” signed by writer and journalist Iulian Ciocan. “My tablet writings are in permanent competition with my novels and both the tablet writings and the novels are visited by the illusion that reality can be changed on particular segments. But I do not have the illusion that a particular important ruler will be shaken by a text of mine and will do this change. I yet see reactions on the part of people from society and this is important,” stated Iulian Ciocan.
As part of the same collection, there was issued a DVD with four editions of the TV program “Quite simply”, produced by Radio Free Europe in Moldova.