
Wearing insignia with signs of Communist regimes not a violation


The wearing of Soviet decorations and insignia with the signs of the Communist regime will not be considered a violation of the law. A bill to this effect was approved by the Parliament’s legal commission for appointments and immunities on November 28, Info-Prim Neo reports. One of the bill’s authors, Liberal-Democratic MP Tudor Deliu said the awarded persons’ right to wear their honors should be recognized and this act should not be considered propagation or promotion of totalitarian ideologies. In the meeting, Communist lawmaker Maria Postoiko asked defining the word ‘wearing’. The commission’s chairman Victor Popa, of the Liberal Party, replied that ‘wearing’ means having the award at the chest. But if appeals are made for the person wearing it to vote for a certain party, the act becomes propaganda. The Communist MPs did not support the bill. They asked if there aren’t problems more serious than the Communist symbols. The Parliament of Moldova condemned the Communist totalitarian regime at the end of July and banned the use of its symbols for political and propaganda purposes on Moldova’s territory. The restrictions took effect on October 1.