
We proved there is another way to make politics. Info-Prim Neo's interview with the president of the Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova, Vlad Filat


[ - How was the political year 2008 for Moldova and what are your forecasts for 2009?] - Politically, 2008 was the year when the campaign of harassing and intimidating the opposition, unleashed by the Communists and their allies, got fiercer. The abuses and illegalities perpetrated by the Communist government against the opposition parties, especially against the Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova (PLDM), the throttling of free press, systematic and brutal encroachment on fundamental human rights and freedoms aimed to keep the Communists in power at any cost. This campaign has made the political climate in Moldova even worse, damaged severely our country’s image, arousing anxiety and consternation even in the Western chancelleries and institutions. An extra proof to that are the two statements on the state of democracy in Moldova, signed by the heads of the diplomatic missions of the EU countries accredited in Chisinau. For the PLDM, 2008 was a year of ascension on the political arena. From the start, the PLDM has become an energetic, professional and important political actor. We have proved that there is another way to make politics: in a competent, pragmatic, responsible manner. The most important thing is that the society understood and supported us in our multiple efforts and initiatives throughout 2008. In all the opinion polls, PLDM is at the top of preferences of the electorate and I am sure we'll have a heavy word to say in the post-electoral equations. In 2009, the PLDM will be represented in Parliament by a number of deputies sufficient to determine the policies of the state and then things will get back to normality. For the PLDM normality means respect for the fundamental rights and freedoms, prosperous living for all categories of people, in a word – a European living standard. [ - 2008 ends eight years of Communist government and two consecutive terms of office of President Vladimir Voronin. What are the distinctive features of this period?] - There have been 8 years during which the remains of the nostalgic Communist trend, gathered around the PCRM, had all conditions to show what they are able to do. The Communists and their leader Vladimir Voronin had a comfortable majority to govern. But governance was perceived by them as an act of Communist revenge. If the political developments had permitted them, they would have taken Moldova to a new Soviet Union, easily renouncing our state’s independence. In fact, this was their intention when they came to power in 2001 – to join the Russia-Belarus Union. But now, as this desideratum didn't stand a chance, the PCRM dragged the train called “the Moldovan Republic” on a dead line and set on money making and liquidating, one after the other, the democratic conquests of 1989-2001. The 8 years of Communist rule were marked by authoritarianism, incompetence, demagogy, populism and corruption. As a consequence, Moldova has become more isolated and depopulated, and the living standards have dramatically dropped. [ - What does your party intend to obtain in the 2009 legislative elections and what effects will the elections have on Moldova?] - We count on victory. The PLDM's participation in the future government, alone or in a democratic and pro-European coalition, will be decisive for eradicating the consequences of the Communist rule. We are aware that the present power will leave a hard heritage, and the situation will become more difficult because of the world financial crisis. To turn Moldova on the right road we have to achieve profound reforms in three areas: institutional, economic and educational. A successful accomplishment of these objectives will launch Moldova on the orbit of accelerated integration into the European Union. I am sure that 2009 will mean the beginning of positive processes of major importance for the destinies of Moldovan citizens. Using this occasion, I want to congratulate the team of Info-Prim Neo News Agency, and all the subscribers of this prestigious institution on the occasion of winter holidays and wish them health, prosperity, peace in your homes and in souls.