
“We live in a country with nonfunctional state institutions”, head of dwellers’ association


“We live in a country with injustice, with nonfunctional state institutions that instead of safeguarding the interests of dwellers, try to intimidate them and to make them abandon the struggle for truth,” said Galina Albot, head of the association of dwellers of the block situated at 5 Decebal St in Chisinau. In a news conference at IPN, Galina Albot said that for two years and a half, the dwellers of this building have struggled against the illegal construction works near their block, which endanger the integrity of their 93 apartments.

The building company that came into possession of the building’s annex with several stories was authorized by the local authorities to demolish this and to erect a new block in that place.

Galina Albot noted that in 2019, when they were announced or learned that a building was to be erected near their block, the dwellers wanted to find out why such a construction was authorized as they realized that such things will definitely have consequences. But they faced harsh realities and injustice.

The most terrible day for the dwellers from the building located at 5 Decebal St was June 26, 2020. “The dwellers found themselves practically on a battlefield where there were bulldozers instead of tanks and the company Tristan instead of Wagner mercenaries, while instead of soldiers there were employees of the building company, who, instead of helmets and protective clothing, had sunglasses and brand clothes. Those persons were intentionally sent there,” said Galina Albot.

According to her, on that day the responsible institutions showed inaction and incompetence. The police didn’t take measures. The head of the Technical Surveillance Agency refused to assign inspectors to examine the situation on the spot. The Chisinau City Hall also didn’t do much. The mayor wasn’t in the city. The citizens felt very vulnerable.

Galina Albot also said that the courts of law that examined this case also gave clear signals that they weren’t interested in ensuring the dwellers’ right to a fair trial. “The dwellers have a request to the government and to Mister Litvinenco (minister of justice, e.n .): we do not want favors; we do not want anything. We want access to fair justice. We cover the costs as ordinary citizens, from our own resources. We spend our own time and resources to obtain justice. But the state treats us disrespectfully,” stated the association’s head.

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