
We and President: who elects who, who represents who? IPN electoral debate


Three candidates for President of the Republic of Moldova tried to attract voters by presenting their electoral platforms, views about pressing problems of society and solutions to them. The candidates of the Party of Action and Solidary (PAS), the Party “Dignity and Truth Platform” (PPPDA) and the Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova (PLDM) used for the purpose the platform of the electoral debates “We and the President” who elects who, who represents who?” that were staged by IPN News Agency.

PPPDA secretary general Ion Terguță, who represented the candidate of the PPPDA Andrei Năstase, said that many people know Andrei Năstase as a person who managed to remove oligarchy in Moldova even if for a short period of time. Not few know that Plahotniuc is no longer in the Republic of Moldova owing to Andrei Năstase and the PPPDA, which gathered together tens or even hundreds of thousands of people when no one wanted and could not protest against the regime. The people should elect Andrei Năstase because he will be a predictable President and the people will know from the start what he will deal with and what he aims to do. Andrei Năstase’s country project goes beyond the limits and powers of the President. That’s why the candidate will come to power with Alexandru Slusari as Premier and with a government team of a very good quality behind him. This team is determined to implement the program so that Moldova obtains a chance and becomes a country in which one wants to live.

Andrei Năstase’s slogan in the presidential campaign is “It’s Now time to say Yes to Moldova to be”, while his presidential project is titled “Moldova Tomorrow”. By this project, the candidate aims to put into practice the declaration on state capture adopted by Parliament earlier, to implement a large project to modernize and reindustrialize the Republic of Moldova so that the factories that were closed or privatized illegals are opened and to amend the Constitution through Article 47, which sets the lower limit of people’s incomes.

MP Virgiliu Pâslariuc, who represented the PAS’s candidate Maia Sandu, said that Maia Sandu in time sowed that she is a fighter for justice. In the posts she held and as the president of the PAS, she acted as a promoter of the European values. “We are in front of a historical choice and I think all the citizens of the Republic of Moldova should realize this. The opportunities for change were seldom in our history, once in ten years. This autumn, we can turn the page of history and choose the correct development direction of the Republic of Moldova – to the future or to the past. If we vote Maia Sandu on November 1, 2020, we will choose a Moldova heading for the future,” he stated.

According to the MP, the slogan with which Maia Sandu started her election campaign is “It’s the time of good people”. Therefore, she will struggle to remove the dishonest people from power. That corrupt oligarchic system that was created by Plahotniuc and was taken over by Dodon is actually Moldova’s big problem that generates poverty, corruption and migration. Maia Sandu’s objectives as the President are: justice, order and discipline; creation of jobs and united families in the country; minimum pension of 2,000 lei; investments in the modernization of Moldova’s villages and overcoming of international isolation.

The PLDM’s candidate Tudor Deliu said that he has held many posts. He worked as a school teacher and as a professor at the Public Administration Academy. He served as a mayor and struggled for Moldova’s integrity, independence and sovereignty with an arm in his hands. He also sat in Parliament. But none of the held posts made him stick to these. He tried to tell things honestly and, when only five representatives of the PLDM remained in Parliament, even if they were blackmailed, they made effort to promote the democratic values and to live with people’s interests. His life and working experience make him say that he knows very well what the President of the Republic of Moldova should deal with. “I’m probably the only candidate who in these elections took as the basis the electoral program of a President that should be the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova,” he noted.

The candidate’s platform centers on six pillars that strictly match the constitutional powers of Moldova’s President: the power belongs to the people; rule of law by ensuring the observance of the principle of separation of powers in the state; functional and transparent justice; foreign policy, defense, security and reintegration, and administration for citizens. Tudor Deliu’s slogan is “Competent. Courageous. Devoted”.

The electoral debate “We and the President” who elects who, who represents who?” forms part of the series of public debates held by IPN News Agency in the framework of the project “Developing political culture through public debates” that is supported by the Hanns Seidel Foundation.