
Watchdog fines two radios for breaking Broadcasting Code


Two radio stations have been fined and other two publicly warned today by the Broadcasting Coordination Council (BCC) for not observing the Broadcasting Code. The maximum fine of 300 conventional units (5,400 lei) was imposed on 101.3 FM Radio for repeatedly sliding from its broadcast schedule. The Council found that although the broadcaster has observed the 30 percent content levels of made-in-Moldova music, it is broadcast erratically throughout the day and mainly at night. PoliDisc-Russkoe Radio got a fine of 100 conventional units (1,800 lei) for breaking ad placement rules for the second time. First offenders were the radio stations Unda Nistreana and Veritas FM, which were publicly warned by the Council over deviations from their broadcast schedules. They are liable to fine if the irregularities persist. Another monitored station – Retro FM – although committed similar transgressions, escaped punishment. The BCC members, who showed quite a forgiving attitude toward the broadcaster, argued their decision by saying that immediately after receiving the results of the monitoring report, the radio removed the signalled faults. At the same meeting the Council postponed examination of the monitoring report on Pro FM radio, because the broadcaster gainsaid the alleged violations. BCC decided to take a break and elaborate the findings.