
Vox Populi: Igor Dodon – 49.8%, while Maia Sandu – 39.7%


Some 49.8% of the respondents of a poll said they would vote for the leader of the Party of Socialists Igor Dodon in the runoff vote, while 39.7% for the leader of the Party “Action and Solidarity” Maia Sandu. 5.2% of those polled do not know who to vote for, while 5.3% do not intend to vote. Of those who said they would take part in the runoff elections, 55.6% intend to vote for Igor Dodon, while 44.4% – for Maia Sandu, shows the sociological survey “Vox Populi – November 2016” that was presented by the Association of Sociologists and Demographers on November 7, IPN reports.

Asked how sure about their choice they are, 65% of the respondents said they are sure that their choice is definitive. 13% said they are rather sure they will vote for the mentioned person, if nothing exceptional happens, while 10% are rather unsure and consider that their choice can be yet changed. 5% said they are absolutely unsure and they will most probably change their choice. Some 7% of those polled haven’t yet formed an opinion in this regard.

The people want the future President to increase the salaries and pensions, to provide the socially deprived groups of people with housing, to diminish the impact of the economic crisis, to bring investments to the country, to ensure economic growth and to cut taxes. At political level, the people want stability to be ensured in all the sectors and want the President to actively contribute to consolidating society. Also, a part of the respondents want the future President to dissolve Parliament and to call early legislative elections.

The study was carried out during November 1-5, 2016 and covered a sample of 1,075 respondents. The margin of sampling error is 3%.