
Voters will go to vote with own pen, gloves and masks


The electors could vote in the September 6 local mayoral elections and in the November 1 presidential elections with the own pen, gloves and masks and maintaining social distance of at least 1 meter. Each voter will have the body temperature measured at the entrance to the polling places. The mobile ballot box will be taken to the homes of elderly people and persons with locomotor and other health problems and also of voters who are under self-isolation regime. The rules are stipulated in the instructions concerning the measures to prevent infection with the novel coronavirus in the electoral period that were worked out by the Central Election Commission, IPN reports.

On the election day, before the polling places are opened, the polling station will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected and will be outfitted by keeping the social distance of 1 meter between functionaries. The electoral bureau’s head, before opening the polling place, will measure the body temperature of the present electoral functionaries, auxiliary personnel, observers and other persons involved in the electoral process, by putting down the results in a register.

The electoral functionaries, operators and observers will be mandatory equipped with protective equipment. A sponge impregnated with alcohol-based disinfectant will be placed at the entrance to the polling station for the voters to disinfect the footwear. There will be hand sensitizer dispensers in visible places. The polling place will be frequently ventilated during the day.

The persons with symposiums of acute respiratory infection, such as fever higher than 37 degrees Celsius, cough and breathing difficulties, will not be allowed to enter the polling station.

The voters with such symptoms could vote at the domicile or place of stay after filing an application to the electoral bureau of the local polling station starting with two weeks before the election day until 8pm of the day prior to the election day. On the election day, applications can be submitted by 3pm by mandatorily presenting a medical certificate.

The document was submitted to the National Extraordinary Public Health Commission for approval.