
Voters should penalize politicians, statements


The voters must demand that the politicians account for their deeds and must penalize them when they do not fulfill the promises made in election campaigns. According to the invitees to the program “Good evening” on Moldova 1 channel, if the people are unable to punish the politicians, the latter will never have a respectful attitude towards society, IPN reports.

Political analyst Anatol Taranu, director of the Institute for Political Consultancy and Analysis “Politicon”, said that Moldova needs a large political class with healthy reflexes that will take into account the people’s major interests. But this will happen only when the voters learn to penalize the politicians who do not keep their words and are unable to promote policies for the society’s benefit. “This is the golden rule of a well-established society. If we, by our political culture, are unable to penalize our politicians so that they have a respectful attitude towards us, they will never have this attitude,” said the analyst.

Ion Dron, chairman of the Center for Initiatives and Public Authorities Monitoring, said the solutions to the political crisis should be based on the concerns of the ordinary people. “The politicians perceive the people as a means of coming to power. Afterward they forget about them. We need a political class that will understand that they live for the people,” he stated.

Political analyst Olga Nicolenco said the politicians should not forget about at least three principles – that they work for the people, that they work based on the law, and that they hold the posts on a temporary basis.

IPN News Agency director Valeriu Vasilica said both the political class and society should learn lessons from this crisis. “A positive aspect of the crisis is that it teaches lessons. The people should also learn the lesson so that they know who to vote for the next time,” he stated.