
Voters can check electoral registers compiled for May 20 mayoral elections


The voters from the communities where new local mayoral elections will take place on May 20 can verify the accuracy of the electoral registers at the polling place and on the website of the Central Election Commission (CEC), IPN reports.

If no code appears in the division “Introduce the code from the image” after inserting the personal code, the applicant must push for several times the “search” button. According to the Call Center of the CEC, there is a technical problem that is to be solved in the shortest period of time possible.

The CEC said the people can ask the Central Election Commission or the electoral bureau to be furnished with the changes made to the voter rolls by May 19.

The citizens who have questions about the organization and holding of the new local elections can call the special line (+373) 22 88 01 01.

The voter informing line works from Monday through Friday between 8am and 5pm. On May 19 it will be available between 8am and 6pm, while on May 20 between 5am and midnight.