Vladimir Voronin: Moldova should go on that way of EU integration which would allow it to maintain its neutrality towards NATO
Regardless of the problem it has to cope with, Moldova should go on the way of European integration. The optimal frame is the one allowing the country to maintain its neutrality towards NATO, President Vladimir Voronin told the European Integration National Commission on Wednesday, June 25, Info-Prim Neo reports.
He says Moldova should well define many priorities for the future as to the realization of the EU integration aspiration. The authorities should insist that Moldova gets a profound free trade regime with the EU. Moldova also should discuss with the EU about the full cancellation of the visa regime. Vladimir Voronin says the talks with the EU concerning this objective should be accompanied by systematic measures aimed to strengthen the migration regime and security, in conformity with the European standards. Vladimir Voronin has insisted the visa regime should be canceled for the Transnistrian residents, too.
Gradually, Moldova should orient towards obtaining the status of a candidate state. “We should not establish a clear term. We should understand that establishing this perspective should serve as a stimulus for the future European reforms in Moldova, for qualitative transformations in our relationships with the EU,” Vladimir Voronin has underlined.
Speaking about the new arrangement with the EU, Vladimir Voronin has said obviously it should reflect more ambitious goals than the ones provided for in a usual accord of partnership and cooperation. “Our neighbor – Ukraine – insists that its agreement with the EU is called association accord. Moldova has no ground to be more modest in this regard,” Vladimir Voronin said.
Prime-Minister Zinaida Greceanai has presented a report on implementing the Priorities Plan for European Integration for 2008, as Foreign Minister Andrei Stratan reported on the latest developments in the relationships between Moldova and the EU.
Among the mentioned priorities they count: insuring the non-discriminate access to the information of public interest by organizing news conferences by governmental agencies, insuring the human rights, insuring the religious freedom, fighting corruption and bettering the investment climate.
The next sitting of the European Integration National Commission is scheduled for July 15, this year.