
Vladimir Voronin had a bilateral meeting with Vladimir Putin


The Press Service of Moldova’s president announces that Vladimir Voronin had a bilateral meeting with President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, within the CIS informal summit works, held in St. Petersburg. The talks were focused on issues related to the development of the Moldo-Russian co-operation in different areas, to the prospects of settling the Transdniestrian conflict and of re-establishing the export of the Moldovan wine production to the Russian Federation. The Presidency communiqué doesn’t mention that certain acts have been signed by the two heads of state. According to the same source, quoted by Info-Prim Neo, the CIS state heads had an opinion exchange in St. Petersburg with regards to the concept project of the CIS reforming, elaborated by a joint work group.Aspects related to enhancing the economic integration within the CIS have been also discussed. In St. Petersburg, the president of Moldova took also place in the works of the 11th edition of the International Economic Forum, entitled “Competitive EuroAsia – a trust area”, which brought together 10 heads of state, 11 heads of government , notorious representatives of the political media and business people from over 50 world countries. During his trip to the Northern Capital City of Russia, Vladimir Voronin made a work visit stop over in Vilnius, where he met with Valdas Adamkus, head of the Lithuanian state. Vladimir Voronin has highly appreciated the present stage of the relationships between the two states, pointing out to the intensification within the last years of the Moldo-Lithuanian relations both at bilateral and multilateral levels. The president has expressed his gratitude to the Lithuanian authorities for supporting constantly Moldova’s aspirations towards the European Integration and the country’s territorial reintegration efforts. In his turn, Valdas Adamkus reconfirmed Lithuania’s firm support for Moldova’s aspirations towards the European Integration and for its efforts as regards the Transdniestrian settlement. Valdas Adamkus has invited Vladimir Voronin to participate this autumn in an international forum on energetic security issues, which will take place in Vilnius, an invitation accepted by Moldova’s president. In Lithuania’s capital city, Vladimir Voronin had also an informational meeting with ex-president of this country, Algirdas Brazauskas.