
Vladimir Voronin at PACE: Situation in Moldova has worsened


Even if Moldova is monitored by the Council of Europe, the situation in the country has worsened from socioeconomic viewpoint, chairman of the Party of Communist Vladimir Voronin told a news conference after the current session of the PACE held in Strasbourg on April 18, IPN reports.

The politician noted that the amendments made by the ruling coalition to the Constitution weren’t endorsed by the Venice Commission and what is going on now in the country can be called a catastrophe that is accredited by the administration of the U.S, the administration in Brussels and that of the PACE.

“Corruption, mafia, non-professionalism, incompetence and failure daily become stronger in all the spheres of life in Moldova. The country is completely de-institutionalized. More than 60% of the people able to work, aged between 20 and 40, went abroad. The birth rate fell four times in seven years, while the number of dead children rose several times in the period,” said the Communists’ leader.

According to Vladimir Voronin, the main cause for the created situation is the government’s lack of professionalism because the power was divided between the parties that voted in the Cabinet and nonprofessionals are named to posts.

The politician also said that when the Communists were in power, EU officials paid visits to Chisinau almost monthly to give instructions and say how things should be done. This led to a coup attempt in 2009. In such conditions, nothing changes now despite all kinds of reports and monitoring activities and the situation in the country remains disastrous.